We've got one and a half days of normalcy left around here and then our lives will be turned upside down! I got the word from the doctor yesterday that I'll be having a c-section on Friday. The little one is breech and making no effort to flip. While a c-section is not how I pictured this delivery, I just want her to be safe and healthy. I'm a ball of nerves thinking about exactly what happens after the delivery. Do I get to hold her right away? If not can my sweetie hold her the whole time I'm getting stitched up? Is she gonna be swept away to the nursery and I won't see her again until I'm in the recovery room? Will she even be allowed in the recovery room? And most importantly, are they going to give her formula out of a bottle? I'm really gung ho about breastfeeding and I know that just one bottle feeding can really mess the whole thing up. I guess I'll know everything soon enough. In the meantime I can't seem to sleep. I think it's just nerves and anxiety. I tried really hard last night to not think about anything and it seemed to help. I think I upped my total nights sleep from 4 hours to 6.
Of course there are a million things I want to do before she gets here and a whole house that could use cleaning, but I can't seem to bring myself to do much. I really wanted to get that olympic goal sweater blocked and seamed. I managed to get half of it pinned out on my new knitter's blocks 2 days ago but I don't have an empty spray bottle so I can wet it down. I know it's just a trip to the store, but I haven't gotten around to it.
So, there will probably be a bit of a blogging hiatus. Not only will I have a new person I'll be responsible for and a new life to adjust to, but we're also sending out our monitor to get fixed and have no idea how long it will take. I've got a backup computer, but I don't want to load pictures onto it and then have to go through transferring them when we get the monitor back. So, sorry, but everyone is just gonna have to wait a little bit for pictures of the little one.
27 August 2008
22 August 2008
Baby Update
Here is a baby update for all you great people who actually read my blog but I don't get to call everyday!
She's doing great! No I haven't had her yet, but she's the perfect size and moving just as much as she should be and has a nice strong heartbeat. BUT, she's breech. This little girl just doesn't want to flip! I'm thinking at this point I would probably feel it if she does flip, I mean she isn't just this thing floating in me anymore, she's pretty well packing in there. Apparently she wants to take after her Daddy though, who I was told was breech with his butt down and legs crossed, I guess he really didn't want out!
I did have high hopes of getting to meet her sometime this week, but it doesn't look like it's going to happen. I went to the Dr. on Tuesday for my weekly appt. I was told that "my cervix hasn't been invited to the party yet", meaning don't count on labor anytime soon! But, my blood pressure had spiked a bit and was borderline the last few appts. They did some blood work to make sure it was just gestational hypertension and that it hasn't developed into preeclampsia. I was told at the appt that I would get a call the next day and that if the results were bad that we'd be having a c-section in the next 2 to 3 days. I got a little nervous about the whole c-section thing, but I was also pretty excited to finally meet her. But, everything came back fine and no c-section this week.
The next appt is on Tuesday where I will be 38 weeks and 3 days along. I'll keep everyone updated but keep your fingers crossed for some flipping and for that invitation to my cervix, otherwise a c-section is still looming on the horizon.
She's doing great! No I haven't had her yet, but she's the perfect size and moving just as much as she should be and has a nice strong heartbeat. BUT, she's breech. This little girl just doesn't want to flip! I'm thinking at this point I would probably feel it if she does flip, I mean she isn't just this thing floating in me anymore, she's pretty well packing in there. Apparently she wants to take after her Daddy though, who I was told was breech with his butt down and legs crossed, I guess he really didn't want out!
I did have high hopes of getting to meet her sometime this week, but it doesn't look like it's going to happen. I went to the Dr. on Tuesday for my weekly appt. I was told that "my cervix hasn't been invited to the party yet", meaning don't count on labor anytime soon! But, my blood pressure had spiked a bit and was borderline the last few appts. They did some blood work to make sure it was just gestational hypertension and that it hasn't developed into preeclampsia. I was told at the appt that I would get a call the next day and that if the results were bad that we'd be having a c-section in the next 2 to 3 days. I got a little nervous about the whole c-section thing, but I was also pretty excited to finally meet her. But, everything came back fine and no c-section this week.
The next appt is on Tuesday where I will be 38 weeks and 3 days along. I'll keep everyone updated but keep your fingers crossed for some flipping and for that invitation to my cervix, otherwise a c-section is still looming on the horizon.
20 August 2008
3 Year Coopiversary!!!
3 years ago today my sweetie and I drove from southeastern Virginia to Maryland to meet a dog named Dewey and see if we wanted to adopt him. He was just perfect. Everything we wanted in a dog, so we loaded him into a crate and drove home with him. But first things first, he needed a new name, Dewey was out and Cooper was in!
We quickly found out that he was quite the handful. We had some bad times, like when he would try to bite us every time we put him in the crate and when he dug a hole through a plaster wall and when he ate the arm of a chair, but we've had many, many more good times. He's now a great little guy.
Very well behaved and a great big brother to Trapper. He loves being outside and going for walks. He's a true hunter at heart. But most of all he's a little daddy's boy. He loves his Joshua and is never far from him.
Now if only we could get him to stop jumping on the windows whenever the mailman, fedex, or ups drives by the house!!
15 August 2008
Ravelympics - day 9
Wow, it's day 9 already and I'm not halfway done, oh no!!!! I had a major mess up 2 nights ago that I realized at 10:30. I thought about waiting until the morning to fix it so I would be fresh but there were still hours left of olympic knitting. So, I frogged about 5 inches of the left front and reknit following the actual directions (you think I would have done that from the beginning!) I was able to make it to just about where I started frogging by the end of the women's all around. Last night I finished the left front and cast on for the right front. I'm not too far on that yet:
In other knitting news, look what came in the mail today:
I will probably wait until Monday to try them out so I don't have to explain this purchase to my sweetie. But I don't know if I'll be able to wait that long! I really want to get the back and the left front of the sweater blocking.
Now for some non-knitting randomness. My sweetie and I went raspberry picking today!
Unfortunately the owners had just picked most of the berries to bring to farmers markets, but there was still enough for us to get 2 pints. My sweetie was a bit cranky at first, thinking we were not going to get many berries, and he felt weird cause it was basically just someone's house. But he cheered up quickly and we had a great time. The best part was these little guys popping out of the bushes:
They almost made me want a kitten, then I remembered how allergic I am and that my dogs would probably eat it! After berry picking, we stopped by the farmer's market and picked up 2 pints of blackberries and I'll be making blackberry/raspberry cobbler today and my sweetie is making some berries and cream thing!!
On the baby front, no baby yet. But her room is complete! Every thing I could possibly think she might need is in there, clothes are folded and put away, shelves are hung, and diapers are stacked and ready to go. This is my favorite part of the room, the nursing area. I'll be spending plenty of time in that glider. I'm definitely gonna have to work out how to nurse and knit at the same time!!
OK, off to make some cobbler and do some knitting!!
Now for some non-knitting randomness. My sweetie and I went raspberry picking today!
On the baby front, no baby yet. But her room is complete! Every thing I could possibly think she might need is in there, clothes are folded and put away, shelves are hung, and diapers are stacked and ready to go. This is my favorite part of the room, the nursing area. I'll be spending plenty of time in that glider. I'm definitely gonna have to work out how to nurse and knit at the same time!!
11 August 2008
Ravelympics - Day 4
OK, here's my progress so far:
Sorry about the washed out look of the photo, I didn't realize it until I downloaded the picture and I'm far too lazy to try again. The cable pattern isn't showing up good in the photo and it's a little hard to tell it's leaves in person unless it's stretched a bit. I know blocking will help though. There will probably be even more knitting done by the end of the day. There's not much interesting on right now but I think tonight's broadcast should be pretty good. I have about 4 inches left on the back and I really want to finish the back.
I'm still enjoying working on this and loving the way it's coming out. I think I've got a good pace going and, as long as I don't burn out on the pattern, I think I may actually complete this by the end of the olympics.
I'm basically knitting on this exclusively, although with the decreases encroaching on the cable pattern, it's getting a bit complicated to work on too late at night. I busted out my english garden socks and knit a few rows on that last night but not many.
Oh, and a bit of a yarn review for you. I'm using Knit Picks Cadena to knit this it's 70% wool, 30% alpaca. It's soft and sturdy and really nice to knit with. And it's bulky so it works up really quick. The only problem I'm having is knots. I hate when there are knots in my skeins of yarn. These skeins are only 110 yards long, in my opinion that's pretty short for bulky weight and there is no need to knots in skeins so small. Well, skein 1 went fine, no knots. Skein 2 was a disaster with 2 knots in it! They're tied up so tight and so close to the ends of the yarn that I thought the yarn had just knotted a bit and went to untie it when I realized that the yarn was broken. I had almost knit right through the knot thinking it wasn't a big deal, but I'm glad I didn't! I'm about halfway through skein 3 right now and I've had 1 knot already. I'm very disappointed with this. I spit spliced it back together so I won't have any extra ends to weave in, but this is just unacceptable to me! I think I'll have to do a bit more research next time I buy another large quantity of knit picks yarn.

I'm still enjoying working on this and loving the way it's coming out. I think I've got a good pace going and, as long as I don't burn out on the pattern, I think I may actually complete this by the end of the olympics.
I'm basically knitting on this exclusively, although with the decreases encroaching on the cable pattern, it's getting a bit complicated to work on too late at night. I busted out my english garden socks and knit a few rows on that last night but not many.
Oh, and a bit of a yarn review for you. I'm using Knit Picks Cadena to knit this it's 70% wool, 30% alpaca. It's soft and sturdy and really nice to knit with. And it's bulky so it works up really quick. The only problem I'm having is knots. I hate when there are knots in my skeins of yarn. These skeins are only 110 yards long, in my opinion that's pretty short for bulky weight and there is no need to knots in skeins so small. Well, skein 1 went fine, no knots. Skein 2 was a disaster with 2 knots in it! They're tied up so tight and so close to the ends of the yarn that I thought the yarn had just knotted a bit and went to untie it when I realized that the yarn was broken. I had almost knit right through the knot thinking it wasn't a big deal, but I'm glad I didn't! I'm about halfway through skein 3 right now and I've had 1 knot already. I'm very disappointed with this. I spit spliced it back together so I won't have any extra ends to weave in, but this is just unacceptable to me! I think I'll have to do a bit more research next time I buy another large quantity of knit picks yarn.
09 August 2008
Ravelympics, day 2
Last night and today have been somewhat productive knitting days. Last night I knit through the whole opening ceremonies, although it was so cool that I wound up watching a lot more than knitting!! I did some stuff around the house this morning while my sweetie played on his xbox. But then he decided he needed to go fix our front steps that are coming a little loose. It was perfect timing. . . right as the olympic coverage was starting!! So I sat and watched rowing, beach volleyball, swimming, and cycling while knitting away on my sweater. It was a nice relaxing day. Then my sweetie came back in and wanted to play his xbox again, oh well, it was nice while it lasted. Now I'm trying to wrangle the pups, who are just uncontrollable the last few days. But, I did manage to take some pictures of my latest WIPs.
First the english garden socks. They are just plain stockinette and I'm hoping they'll fit since I just guessed on the # of stitches I need. The color changes are just too wild to make anything with a pattern, I think this shows off the yarn nicely though. Oh, and it's so soft!!! They are getting put by the wayside for the next 17 days though.
Then, my second sweater attempt, what I'm calling my olympic goal sweater. I love it so far. If it turns out as good as I hope then it will be good motivation to lose weight!!
This is about 8 inches of the back. It's going pretty fast. Gotta love bulky yarn!! I'm hoping my sweetie will let me watch tonight's olympic coverage and I'll get even more done. He doesn't understand the whole olympics thing though so I don't want to force him to watch it and we only have one TV in the house (usually not a problem, but it just may be a big problem tonight!)
First the english garden socks. They are just plain stockinette and I'm hoping they'll fit since I just guessed on the # of stitches I need. The color changes are just too wild to make anything with a pattern, I think this shows off the yarn nicely though. Oh, and it's so soft!!! They are getting put by the wayside for the next 17 days though.

08 August 2008
9 months down!
I'm now nine months preggers!! Only one month left, hopefully less. She was breech at the last appt and I'm really hoping she flips or has flipped already. The next appt is Tuesday and I think if she doesn't flip by then we may be scheduling a c-section (ouch!). Her room is just about ready for her. I'm waiting to get the cushions for the glider back from the cleaners and then it will be all decked out. The only real think I have left to do is pack my hospital bag. I've got most everything I need gathered together, I just have to actually put it in a bag.
Today is also the kickoff of Ravelympics! I'm going to try to knit a sweater in 18 days, unless the baby comes before those 18 days are over, then I think I have a pretty good excuse for not finishing. It's knit on size 10 needles, so I have a good chance of finishing. I haven't knit anything on such large needles in a long long time.
In knitting news, I've been working on my nursing shawl and a pair of socks. I'll post pictures later, along with some pictures of the spinning I did while Val and the kids were visiting. I've been really lazy lately, but I'm hoping to have some FOs to post one of these days too!
Today is also the kickoff of Ravelympics! I'm going to try to knit a sweater in 18 days, unless the baby comes before those 18 days are over, then I think I have a pretty good excuse for not finishing. It's knit on size 10 needles, so I have a good chance of finishing. I haven't knit anything on such large needles in a long long time.
In knitting news, I've been working on my nursing shawl and a pair of socks. I'll post pictures later, along with some pictures of the spinning I did while Val and the kids were visiting. I've been really lazy lately, but I'm hoping to have some FOs to post one of these days too!
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