The trip started off great with a few flights that let me get lots of knitting done. I finished my section of a charity blanket for the Stitch It! Podcast listeners group.
Wednesday night was the bridal shower, then Thursday I took the opportunity to visit some people from my lab from grad school and was greeted with a familiar sight:
Thursday night we had the bachelorette party. I went to dinner with everyone then out to the first bar for a bit but then had to call it quits for the night at about 10 cause I really needed some sleep and people started smoking.
Friday was our day to spend with the bride. She took us (some of the bridesmaids) out to get mani/pedis (although I skipped that part and knit in the salon cause I hate people touching my feet!), then we all went out to lunch where we had a very impromptu baby shower. The bride gave me this:
Friday night we had the rehearsal dinner. I seemed to have overdone it on Friday and woke up Saturday with enormous feet! I hadn't had a problem with swollen feet yet this pregnancy so I didn't have a clue what to do. I had to rush around Saturday morning getting my hair and makeup done, but once I got to the church I spent an hour or so with my feet elevated. I didn't do much good though so we had a little shoe emergency and I had to borrow someone else's shoes and then tie them with a ribbon to keep them on my feet! It was quite the extravaganza! But the wedding went off without a hitch and the two most disgustingly in love people you will ever meet are now married!
Here's me and my Virginia friends. I look like a whale, but what do you expect from a 27 week pregnant lady in a maternity bridesmaid dress!
I got home from my trip to discover a few great packages. One was a few stuffed animals for the baby from my Aunt. The next was the stroller and car seat we registered for from my mom's Aunt and cousin. And the last was the bouncy seat we registered for. I immediately assembled the bouncy seat:
This morning I assembled the stroller and car seat and played around with them a little, I forgot to take a picture. It's great, I can fold the stroller up with one hand!! I'm going to wait another month or so then I'm going to figure out how to put the car seat in the car so the dogs can start getting used to it.
Well that's all for now. No new knitting news, I did about 4 rows on the nursing shawl in the salon and that's all I got done the whole trip! I'm seriously knitting deprived right now and I really want to cast on some major project, maybe the Starsky jacket.
Oh, and as of last Friday, I am officially in my last trimester!! The baby is gonna be here in no time. Get ready for many posts about back pain, trouble sleeping, and swollen feet!!
Juli -
Watch out about those swollen feet! I had a big problem with it (like so swollen I couldn't wear my flip-flops) and they found I had toxemia.
I hope it's just from running around and enjoying the time in Virginia, though.
Your hair looks really good :-) I like it! How does it feel to be getting baby gifts already? Congrats on the 3rd trimester! She'll be here before you know it!! Flying made my feet swell really bad with Devin & they didn't go back til I delivered, but I was like 30 weeks by then. My blood pressure also started going up at that point. I'm sure yor Doc is keeping an eye on all that though.
The kids can't wait for you to come visit. Devin is SOOO excited to be a hostess at the shower! LOL!
Glad you had such a fun trip. All of your pictures are so nice! Any chance you might come to see the play this weekend? "With Pen In Hand" opens on Thursday at 7 PM at the Place at the Woodward, just a few doors down from Sips. If you come, say hello after the show so we can finally meet!
I love the James Bond bridesmaids photo, that's priceless! Looks like you're hauling in the baby booty, too. ;-) Not much longer now...
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